Saturday, January 26, 2013

Introducing Lukas Cade

Lukas Cade

Our bundle of squish has {finally} arrived! Lukas Cade was born here at home into mama's hands at 9:38pm on January 25th, 2013. He weighed 8lbs and was 19 3/4" long. We are all doing well and are so excited to have Lukas join our family! Thank you, Lord, for this gift of life!!


Anonymous said...


Sarah said...

Congratulations! He is beautiful! I love his name!

Can't wait to hear the story!!

Rest up and enjoy that sweet little bundle!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations from another Pregnancy Link-Up mum-to-be! Can't wait to join your ranks, and really looking forward to your story! Blessings!

i cant decide said...
