Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A project from long ago... {tutorial}

When our old computer died, I was really sad because there were a ton of pictures (mostly of Ryan) on it that had not yet been saved to our external hard drive. I plugged in the external hard drive today to see what was on it... and I think that most of the pictures actually made it on there! I was so happy. I know I haven't posted a tutorial or a craft in a long time so I thought it was about time to post one, since I found the pictures.

This is a project I worked on a few months ago, when we first moved into our new house. My mom had given me a wooden stool that, I think, she got for free somewhere. I thought it was cute but needed... something.

I decided to paint it using the "technique" I posted about a while ago, in my blog post titled "Making New Stuff Look Old." I've heard you can use other techniques but I haven't tried anything else yet.

I already liked the base color, so I decided to skip the first coat of paint that I used in my other blog post. I just went ahead and used the soap on various parts of the stool that I wanted to look worn. After I was satisified with the amount of soap, I painted the entire thing with a pretty shade of grey-blue that we just happened to have on hand. I thought it had a "country" feel to it. 

After I painted the entire thing, I let it dry completely. It didn't take too long because the layer of paint wasn't very thick. 

Then, when it was dry, I took a piece of sandpaper to the areas that had the soap on them, and the paint easily came off to show the color underneath. I don't have any pictures of this part of the process... but it's easy ;] I sanded it until I was happy with the result, and this is what I was left with:

I really like it! It has a worn look to it, which I really like... I like old looking things, as you know from the post I linked to... and I just think this looks pretty. :] I think it looks nice in my kitchen.

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