Monday, January 16, 2012

Papa's Little Helper

After a small paint fiasco in Ryan's room, we weren't really loving the color that was on the walls. Since it wasn't an expensive fix, we decided to repaint. 

You can see the "ugly" green in the above photos. It looked a lot darker than that in person, but yet had a neon tinge to it. It just wasn't a great color.

The dark green color may look decent on the screen. In fact, I actually kind of like this picture. It looked way different in person, though. We wanted to go a lot lighter because the dark neon green color just didn't seem to "fit" in our house. It made the room seem much smaller than it already was, too. So the lighter color in the above photo is what color it is painted now. Against the dark green, it looks kinda lame and very yellow... but since the walls are completely covered now, we have nothing to compare it to... and it actually looks really nice, I think. It's just a light, airy shade of green with a tiiiny hint of yellow. The room looks so much more spacious now, and the suffocating feel is gone. It feels a little more gender neutral, too, which is good because this won't be Ryan's room forever.

Ryan wanted to get in on the painting action. He was extremely interested in the paint brushes and thoroughly enjoyed flailing his arms around with the brush in hand.

 [Ryan and papa painting]

(disclaimer: no, we didn't really subject our child to paint fumes. There is no paint on the brushes.)

 [I love all the original wood in our house... I think it's so pretty!]

A few days after the paint job was completed, we put together Ryan's new dresser from Ikea. Well, Jake put it together. Ryan crawled all over the place, stole screws, played with the hammer and drill, and watched papa like a hawk. I just sat there and took pictures :]

 [always has to keep his eyes on daddy]

It warms my heart to see Ryan watching his daddy so intently... I'm so thankful for the godly, hardworking, selfless example for Ryan to look up to. I am blessed! 

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