Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ryan's 1st Thanksgiving

We had Joe, Jake's dad, over for Thanksgiving lunch. It was my first time making a holiday meal for company! We had turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, rolls and fruit salad. I forgot to make the corn. Oops.

Ryan LOVED eating the Thanksgiving meal! He wasn't too sure about the big turkey before it got cut up...

...but once he tasted it, a long with all the other goodies, he was instantly a fan. And it totally wore him out, too.

We tried getting a nice picture of him with Grandpa Joe, but Ryan wasn't too excited about that, either. 

I personally think this is the best one, but Grandpa begs to differ. Too bad, my blog :]


What traditions do you have for your little ones during Thanksgiving?

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