Thursday, November 17, 2011

{ embrace the camera : 11.17 }

Linking up with Emily for Embrace the Camera...

I knew this day was coming... this month would be here before we knew it. My friend just had her baby... and 9 months ago, when she told us she was expecting, I thought to myself... "Ryan is going to be 9 months old when her baby comes! Whoa! That seems so far away..." but I knew it would be here before I realized it. Well, her baby is here... and my baby is 9 months old.

And as someone said here, he's been an outside baby as long as he was an inside baby, give or take. ;]

Thinking back over the last 9 months... and all that we've been through, or are going through, as parents... I can't help but get a little emotional at all the "growing up" my little boy has done. It makes my heart so happy to see him thriving and loving life.

He's gotten a lot more snuggly lately.

I guess, that when he was a baby and couldn't "go" anywhere, he seemed snuggly then... because I held him a lot.  

But now that he's mobile and on the go, he actually comes to me for hugs and lovin'. He lays his head on my shoulder and just looks at me with his big brown eyes.

{rubbin' my hand... "it's okay, mama, i'll be your lil' guy forever!"}


I love the sleepy, snuggly moments we have together. I really do treasure them. And I'm trying to treasure everything... even the middle-of-the-night wakings, and diaper changing battles, and when I feel like I just need 5 MINUTES ALONE... I know that one day, I'm going to miss it all. I try to remember that all of these opportunities are God-given appointments that he has blessed me with to help grow, shape and mold this little guy.

Oh, I just love him!


  1. Super sweet ~ love how he's rubbing your hand! :)

  2. Happy 9 month birthday little man!

  3. Made my eyes leak again! You need to stop doing that!

  4. Great reminder for me as I start that journey to not let myself wish little things away but to treasure the here and now :-) Thanks friend!


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