Friday, October 7, 2011

[ house tour! ]

FINALLY, we have internet and I am able to show you the house that the Lord has blessed us with! I won't waste any time with words... on to the pictures! :)

Welcome to our home!

Let's take a walk around the yard...


Ready to go inside? We're gonna go up into this little porch and go in through the back door...

...which leads into the kitchen! 


[that's the back door we came in]


...from the kitchen, we go into the dining room... turn around...


The dining room is open to the living room...

Through that door way is where we will go next.

 [front door]

Then we'll take a right and go down that hallway (which also leads to the kitchen again)...

This hallway leads to the bathroom, our room and Ryan's room... I don't have a picture of our room because Ryan was napping in it at the time. To the left, is the bathroom:

And at the end of the hall is Ryan's room:

[the green seems to be an obnoxious color, but it's more olive-y than the picture suggests]

The other door is our room, but I don't have a picture of that. Imagine a room with blue walls, a white dresser, blankets hanging over the windows, a bed, and a closet. That's about it... nothing too exciting. :]

Anyways, remember that stair case by the front door? This one:

At the top of the stairs is a bathroom...

To the left is our "office" (which has yet to be unpacked...):

And to the left of the bathroom is a built in cabinet and my "sewing/craft" and soon to be guest room...

And... I think that's it! The basement is boring... there is a cool cellar for canned stuff, but other than that, it's just the typical basement.

Jake and I pray that our house will be a blessing to others, as it is something the Lord has blessed us with. It is not OURS, but HIS! We are excited to be living here and we hope to be a light to our neighbors. God has already given us some pretty cool opportunities, and it's exciting!!

Come visit us sometime :]


  1. I love your house! It is beautiful, and I'm really happy for you. :)

  2. I want to visit you! ;) it's a beautiful house and I love the back door!


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