Thursday, October 13, 2011

{ embrace the camera : 10.13 }

Whoa. I haven't embraced the camera in, well... like two months. We moved (wanna see our house?) ... and then just got internet last week! I've missed this!

So, here's my "embracing" photo for this week; Jake called from work. Ryan [who is 8 months now... say what? EIGHT?!] always loves "talking to his papa on the phone. My sister was here so I asked her to snap a photo of us. This makes my heart so happy!!

Ryan loves his papa. As soon as the truck turns the corner to our house, Ryan seems to understand that it's time to celebrate when I say "PAPA'S HOME!" Jake pops around the corner with a "Hi Ryan!" and we cheer and say "Yaaaay, Papa!" and Ryan claps. It just melts me to see how much this little guy loves my big guy.

I love my family. :]


  1. So fun to watch boys with their daddys.

    I'm a new follower of your blog. I was reading on the sidebar that you spent time in Africa. I'll have to brows back through your blog and read all about it!
    Africa holds a very special place in my heart at well. My parents spent 12 years as missionaries in Senegal West Africa and that is where i was born and spent the first 10 years of my life.

    Nice to meet you!

  2. This post made my eyes leak! Love to all 3 of you!

  3. Your little boy's expression in the picture soo cute!

  4. aww!! what an adorable fella you have!! love this picture. :)
    it is always a huge celebration when daddy comes home here too! i know that it makes him feel really special & loved.

  5. Very sweet photo. Thanks for stopping by Take 10!

  6. Super cute! He has the best little smile! :)

  7. adorable!!!! absolutely adorable! :)


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