Thursday, January 13, 2011

Daily Bread Living

My friend Natalie is awesome. And she just started an awesome blog. I think you should check it out. That might make you more awesome. Who doesn't want to be awesome? :]

She's having a "blog launch" party on the 29th of this month. One of the ways to increase your chances of winning is to blog about her giveaways. Therefore this post comes into play! Of course I want to win cool stuff. BUT I also think you should check out her blog just for the fun of it. I know her blog will be one I find myself visiting often... living on a budget, children, recipes, family life... = all stuff I'm very interested in.

Anyways, to check out the giveaway details, go here. You can sign up to follow by e-mail, too! Check it out and enjoy, friends!!

1 comment:

Hearing from you is one of my favorite things! Leave me some love :]