Thursday, January 13, 2011

37 weeks!

Well, actually, it's 37w4d. Regardless, it means two words: FULL TERM! Some people seemed to be confused when I told them I was full term... full term just simply marks the beginning of the maturity phase for a baby. It doesn't mean I'm due; it just means that baby can come safely at any point now!

I've been having a lot of braxton hicks contractions lately, like normal. Add into the mix some back/pelvic pain and a lot of nausea/vomiting, and you've got what my last week looked like. At my appointment at 36w, I was 1cm dilated. On Tuesday at my 37 week appointment, I was 3cm dilated. So it looks like things are 'progressing...' it doesn't necessarily mean baby is coming now or even within the next few days, but it does mean my body is doing what it is supposed to, which is exciting! The baby's heart rate continues to look good, and I tested negative for the group B strep bacteria [which, if I had tested positive for, I would have needed some IV antibiotics during labor]. So, things look well! I'm so ready to meet baby... emotionally more so than anything. The nausea is tiresome, but I'm not feeling 'done' being pregnant physically.

I fell yesterday at my parent's house, going down their icy stairs on their porch. It was only a few steps, but it definitely made my bum and back quite sore. I didn't feel the need to call my midwife because things seemed normal [and baby was being active], so I wasn't worried. Baby does seem lower today than before, though, so if anything, maybe it helped baby figure out that s/he needs to move down in order for "things" to happen. :]

I had two showers this last weekend; what a blessing to be given all sorts of 'baby things.' We appreciate it so much! Here are a few photos from the showers:

[1.08.11 - grandma's house - hosted by grandma, aunts and mom]

[cake made by my sister, sarah]

[corsage made by my grandma]


[opening gifts]

[1.09.2011 - at the hentges' house - hosted by friends, katie and sage]

 [friends! kristin and ailyse]

 [laura beth and me]

[being prayed over]

 [opening gifts]

After being blessed with all of those baby things, we are completely set and ready for baby to come... now all we do now is wait! We plan to call our parents when the baby is born, and they will be spreading the word to others. For the time being, we are requesting that only family visit the hospital when baby arrives; depending on how we are feeling when the time comes, we will decide if we are up to other visitors. Thanks for being understanding! We so appreciate your excitement, love and prayers. :] 

1 comment:

  1. Aww, baby showers are so much fun!! I'll be praying for you and the baby, and looking forward to updates. :)


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