Monday, February 8, 2010


Hi everyone. This is my attempt to stay awake while Jake watches the Super Bowl. Yes, a day late. I could just tell him that I know the Saints are going to win [thank you, Facebook friends, for ruining that one for me! Haha...] and we could just go to bed... but I will be nice. I figured I would post our daily schedule so you can see what a typical day looks like around here. I also posted a few more pictures. Enjoy!

Daily Schedule [Monday-Friday]
6:00am - breakfast crew starts cooking
7:00am - breakfast
7:30am - morning group devotions
8:00am - personal quiet time
8:30am - start work duty/chores
10:45am - chai [tea] break
11:00am - work duty/chores
1:00pm - lunch
2:00pm - class session one
4:00pm - break/free time
5:00pm - class session two
7:00pm - supper
8:15pm - group discussion time/homework
9:15pm - evening devotions in dorm rooms
10:30pm - lights out

Saturday Schedule:
8:00am - morning devotions and quiet times
9:00am - free time
10:30am - brunch
11:00am - free time
1:00pm - chai [optional]
4:00pm - group activity
7:00pm - supper
8:15pm - movie or game
10:30pm - lights out

Sunday Schedule:
8:00am - breakfast
9:00am - praise and worship service
12:00pm - lunch
1:30pm - ministry outreach [usually orphanage work]
7:00pm - supper
8:15pm - homework/assignments
10:30pm - lights out

ready for a photo tour of the rest of the house?

[the veranda in front]

[view from front door: sitting area]

[dining room]

[living room]


[spice cupboard and pantry]

[the front door; not typically used. the bathroom is directly to the right; our bedroom is straight ahead]

[entry way between our bathroom/room]

[our bathroom; i'm planning on making curtains for the window]

[our room]

and finally... i had to share a photo of my favorite dog here on the compound: 
[meet "mama dog." sweetest thing ever!]


Prayer request: Jake was playing soccer [excuse me, 'football'] with some of the guys tonight before dinner and rolled his ankle. It's pretty swollen and he's in a lot of pain. As you can imagine, being here involves a lot of walking... and I hate seeing him in pain. He is such a trooper, though. Please pray for him, that the Lord would heal him quickly [if it is His will, of course]! He and I both would really appreciate it. Thanks!!


  1. Thanks for the update!! Praying for you. :)

  2. will certainly be praying.

    *makes reader request*
    Jake should come up with a post (or two)... ;D


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