Saturday, February 6, 2010

I'm tired... this will be short and sweet :] A bullet-point blog post...

  • the students arrived on Monday. At first they were all serious and quiet... now I'm finally getting some smiles from them! I connected with a few of the girls [there are 5; one more is coming on Monday], and it's been nice to have conversations with them. There are 12 students right now... 7 boys and 5 girls. It's a pretty good group of students.
  • Juli gave me the responsibility of doing the beads... a group of women from around Gilgil made beaded necklaces from magazines. They are actually really nice! The women come every Wednesday and we buy them from the women to give them sort of an income... and then we sell them to others. I'll have to post some pictures on here sometime in case any of you are interested. We also do a Bible study with the women when they come. Last Wednesday, when I met them for the first time, they sang me a song. It was very nice :]
  • I cooked chicken pot pie, completely from scratch, a few days ago... in the dark! The generator stopped working... so I attempted to continue making dinner without any light. I tied a small flashlight to my apron and that helped some... but it was still very dark. Aaaaand then our gas ran out for our gas stove/oven... so the guys ran to town to get some. So 5 hours after I began, my pie was baked... and consumed... it was really good :]
  •  My shoulder seems to be completely better! I'm not even sure what was wrong with it... but there is very little to no pain, and I have full range of motion back. Praise the Lord :] Thank you for praying!!
  • Tomorrow [as a typical Sunday], after our church service, we will walk the four miles to the town of Gilgil and love on some kids at the orphanage. I'm very excited for this! 
Sometime soon I'll post our "daily schedule" so you know what we're up to during the day :] Sorry it's such a short update... I'll hopefully update again soon!

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