Saturday, December 5, 2009 this the day I die? "Safely Home" book review

Someone asked me what the link to our blog, "Safely Home" meant. It's the title of an amazing book by a talented author and speaker [and founder of Eternal Perspective Ministries:], Randy Alcorn. It's the fictional story [although the events are real] of two college roommates who connect with each other after 20 years of separation. Ben, a prominent businessman, is blatantly ignoring God and living the so-called "American Dream," while his buddy, Quan, who lives in China, faces imprisonment, brutal torture and even death for living a lifestyle aimed to please Christ. Ben lets his relationship with Christ slip away as he climbs the corporate ladder... meanwhile, Quan wakes up every morning with one question on his mind: "Is this the day I die?" It was the question his father asked himself every day, and taught Quan that "one day, the answer will be yes, and on that day, you must be ready."

I've read the book twice, and plan to do so again. It changed my heart, from having a fear of death [although I am confident in my salvation], to anticipating with great joy the day I am called Home. The reality of persecution was brought more to my attention then ever before by reading this book. I can't recommend it enough. Safely Home will challenge your faith, give you a glimpse of Christians who know what having an "eternal perspective" truly means, and realize that there is a cost for living for Christ. He calls us to surrender our lives.


“Safely Home is not only a first-class story; it’s a bracing wake-up call about Christian persecution in China. You’ll be challenged.” -Chuck Colson

“This brilliant story mixes the warmth of a good novel with the harsh reality of the persecuted church.” -Dr. Tim LaHaye

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