Monday, November 30, 2009

This one is for you, Joe.

My FIL asked me last week, "When are you going to update your blog?" I replied, "I guess when I figure out what to say!" So, even though I don't exactly know what to say... here you go!

"Not knowing what to say" is probably the biggest reason I don't blog more. I have the vain imagination that no one really cares to read what I write, anyways, so "why bother?" And because I'm staying home more now and working less, I don't think that people care to hear about doing the dishes or laundry or making dinner. I probably shouldn't have the mindset that it comes across as boring... but it's our life right now.

In ~49 days we will be boarding a plane headed towards Kenya, Africa. Well, obviously we'll be making a stop for a layover in Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Paris or some place similar... but you get the idea. 49 days... can you believe it? It feels like it was just yesterday that we were meeting with Eric and Juli to chat about the possibility. It was, in fact, last December... not yesterday.

We are currently working on raising support. So far, God has blessed us with $4,200 in one time gifts, and commitments for $400/month. Our church is also planning on supporting us with a gift of $3,000, with one stipulation: we need to raise 80% of our financial goal before they will write out the check.... which means we need to be supported with ~$4,000 more. Please be in prayer for us, as we start making phone calls... that we would remember that God knows our needs even more than we do... and that He would open the hearts of our brothers and sisters in Christ to prayerfully consider supporting us financially.

We will be making an appointment for shots sometime this week. That's another prayer request for you! The shots are very costly [~$1,200], and this is coming out of our own pocket. Like I said before, God knows that... and He will provide. We are trying to be very wise with our budget so that it is honoring to Christ.

I'm anxiously awaiting Jake's return from work. We have a 'coffee date' tonight at Caribou... our monthly "buy one, get one free" coupon. Although I'm an introvert and like being by myself sometimes, I really do enjoy being around him, and I miss him when he is gone. He is such a good husband. I can't believe we've been married for a year and nine months already... 639 days. I'm so thankful I get to spend the rest of my life with him. :]

Off I go... time to decide what's for dinner... and put the laundry away ;]

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