Thursday, February 11, 2016

hello 2016

We recently welcomed our third boy to our family, and as I was trying to figure out where I could post his birth story to share, I remembered, "oh, yeah, I have a blog." Oops.

So, I'll be sharing that story here on the blog in the days/weeks to come, whenever I can get somewhere with Internet access as we do not have it at home. But I also thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to start back up with some occasional blog posts, and that it would be fun, at least for me, to have somewhere to contain memories and photos better than Facebook. :)

Ryan just turned 5 years old last week. 5 seems like such a huge number to me! It is weird to think that I've been a mama for 5 years. He is really into all things construction... cranes, excavators, bulldozers.  He enjoys legos, playing outside, and being read to.

Lukas just turned 3 at the end of January.  He likes a lot of the same things as his big brother, but it's been fun to see how different both of them are, too. Lukas is a lot like me... detailed and particular. Ryan prefers constant activity and burning energy. They're both busy but in different ways, and its been fun to see their personalities peak even more recently. Ive been trying to be more "studious" of them and figure them out, which can be tricky because they are constantly changing! But its so rewarding to be able to understand them a little better here and there... it just takes a lot of slowing down and stepping back to see the bigger picture.

And then there is Shane... he just turned 3 months old. He has such a sweet and mellow personality and has 3 prominent looks: his serious, observing stare... a girnormous smile... orrr his sleeping face. Haha. He's a joy to have around and his big brothers adore him and love to take care of him.

That's all for now, but I can't wait to share some pictures and also Shane's birth story. Its been fun catching up on a few blogs I've followed in the past,  too! Im impressed that you have kept up on this so well ;) 

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