Wednesday, September 19, 2012

{ 22/23 weeks }

Yes, another combined week post... my apologies. Last week was... eh. It was a hard week, to be honest. Jake was at work a lot because they were harvesting at the farm... he put in 90 hours, and I hardly saw him the entire week.

Also, on Saturday, my grandma passed away. It was kind of expected; she had emergency surgery for a life threatening bowel obstruction earlier that week, and she has just been really frail for a while from a lot of other health issues. Being expected sure doesn't make it hurt any less, though. The only thing that DOES make it hurt less is the hope that I have in Christ, and the assurance that I will see her again when I'm blessed to be called home. I'm so thankful that she was a believer. But my selfish and human heart hurts at her passing. Both she and my grandpa have greatly influenced my life and have definitely impacted my heart towards missions.

...and I keep typing and erasing everything I write because none of it makes sense when it is written on the page. Please just pray for our family... my grandma was a very special and precious woman, and she will be very dearly missed. I'm so thankful that Ryan got to meet her back in March when we visited. He won't remember it, but I will, and they will be special memories.

I don't even feel like I want to continue writing with the pregnancy update, but I guess I will anyways. I know  I didn't update after my last appointment on the 12th. It went well; my midwife reviewed the ultrasound notes from the radiologist and said everything looked good. It was a really "boring" appointment because we didn't have a lot of stuff to discuss. Still, the appointment lasted an hour and 45 minutes long, just because we looked at scrapbooks and chatted about stuff. I seriously love the attention I'm given with a home birth midwife... the relationship we've been able to build in such a short period of time is awesome. I'm really excited to meet our little one, even though labor/delivery has to come before the meeting... I'm actually looking forward to that experience as well.

A fun thing from this weekend was being able to go to garage sales and get a bunch of baby clothes and some clothes for Ryan, since he needed a few things to complete a fall wardrobe. He looks so cute and snuggly in his warm sweatshirts. I love this cooler weather and have looked forward to it for a long time... unfortunately coffee still doesn't sound all that appetizing, but I love hot drinks in the morning, so spearmint tea it is.

I guess that's all I have for an update today. Pretty boring and melancholy... sorry :[ It's just been a rough week. Thanks for your prayers and support.


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's a hard one, losing someone who means SO MUCH to you.

  2. Laura - I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandmother. I will keep your entire family in my prayers.

    Sounds like the pregnancy is going well; thanks for linking up your update.

  3. My condolences.

    I'm glad you had a "boring" midwife appointment. No news is good news!

  4. I'm so sorry for the loss of your Grandma! You were blessed to have her with you this long, even though it is never easy to lose someone we love! My last Grandmother died two days after I found out I was pregnant with my twins and I was not able to tell her. It was very sad for me, especially because she knew we were trying for so long! I have faith she knows now and is with my Grandfather in heaven :)

  5. So sorry to hear about your grandmother. Mine passed away this summer in July. I've been expecting this for probably about 15 years, but it didn't make it easier. Though I wish you had been able to attend, I know my grandmother's funeral was great closure for all of us. Prayers for you and your family during this transition. I know she had a wonderful reunion in heaven!


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