Monday, September 3, 2012

{ 20 / 21 weeks }

Here is my weekly update... combined this time, though, because I got busy last week! I have a few photos to share this time, too... so it will be a fun post ;]

Here's the discussion question for this week from the blog link-up: "What is the one must-have baby item that you can't live without?" For me, it's definitely one of my baby carriers... I have a soft jersey wrap and also an Ergo carrier. I want to buy the infant insert for the carrier so I can use it when this one is littler than when I started with Ryan. But I really like both of them! I've been looking into a few other options too because I think I'll be wearing this one more than Ryan, just because since Ryan is here, I will need my hands more often!

On Wednesday, it was Jake's birthday... and we also had our ultrasound! It was a really fun day. We dropped Ryan off at my grandma's house (my sister lives there right now, so she watched him), and Jake and I went to my ultrasound appointment. It was really fun to see the baby :] Everything looked great; everything was there that was supposed to be there. Baby was a week or two small, but has plenty of time to grow, so that's okay. Obviously we haven't heard the "official report" from the radiologist yet (and probably won't until my appointment with my midwife on the 12th), but the tech said things look great. We had her write down the gender on a piece of paper for Jake and I to look at later over dinner. :]

After a quick stop at Gander Mountain to look at some hunting stuff because Jake is getting into bow hunting, we went back to my grandma's house and to pick up Ryan. Apparently he had a blast with his auntie and didn't miss us at all ;] It felt so weird to be without him, though! I love having him around :]

Then, we went to Pizza Ranch. Since it was Jake's birthday, and we had our ultrasound, we decided to celebrate a little bit. All I wanted was a huge salad... and Jake likes Pizza Ranch, so that was his decision. Thankfully they have a pretty good salad bar :] It was busy, but not as busy as when we left... there was a huge line of people waiting to get in as we were leaving.

[Ryan really enjoyed his food, he ate more than I did.]

[my love... so happy to be blessed with another year of his life!]

[me and my two little people; one internal, one external]

And now... for our big gender reveal... 

It's... a.... 

...oh, sorry. I'm going to be a meanie and not tell. Don't worry, it's not just you; this news is staying just within our little family :] But it's a BABY and we are super excited!! 

Everything else is going well. I've been starting to feel the baby move more this week, which is fun.

And lastly... a baby bump (or lack of) picture. All I have is a lumpy tummy, thanks to my jeans. Haha. And this picture is totally awkward, because it appears that I am missing my right arm... but it's there, really. 

Linking up with My Joy Filled Pregnancy...

1 comment:

  1. You look great. Halfway there, yay!

    I found your blog through my joy filled life pregnancy journal link up.


Hearing from you is one of my favorite things! Leave me some love :]