Tuesday, July 17, 2012

14 Weeks // 2nd Trimester

This week I am 14 weeks pregnant... welcome to the second trimester!! At 14 weeks, the average baby is 3.4" long and weighs 1.5oz. So tiny, but so rapidly growing!!

The Bump says, "Hungry much? Not that you're not feeling so queasy, you're probably enjoying eating. A lot."

HA. Not so much. Still feeling queasy, thank you... maybe not quite as often, but it's definitely still there. If I'm sick, it's in the evenings. So much for morning sickness!! So often people ask me, "Are you feeling good??" And while I don't want to complain, I don't want to lie, either! I'm just so thankful it's for a good reason. This would be super lame if I was just sick all the time for no reason at all.. but there is a very good reason and blessing being nourished within my body right now, so I'll take it!!

I had my second appointment last night with the midwife. We weren't able to catch a reading on baby's heartbeat this time, although we did hear it for a split second. It's not of concern, baby was just moving around too much in there to get a good reading. Everything else looked good... my blood pressure was a lot lower this time, 110/75... it was 130/80 last time; I think it was because I was so nervous! I remember when I was pregnant in Kenya, they had to take my blood pressure twice every appointment... once in the beginning, and once at the end... it was always much lower at the end. ;)

I've lost about 5lbs since my last appointment three weeks ago, probably because of the fact that I had the flu two weeks ago, and I also just haven't felt all that great. My midwife didn't mention it as being a problem (but her assistant was the one who took the weight so I don't know that my midwife saw while I was there), but hopefully I can maintain instead of lose right now. Of course I have a few pounds to spare... ;) but now is not the time to be losing weight. I probably need to be eating more, and I definitely need more protein... it's just so hard sometimes!

My midwife tried to draw some blood for labs last night, but since she doesn't work in a lab for 8 hours a day, she obviously doesn't get as much practice... she tried once but didn't want to keep poking me... how kind! ;) My veins just did not want to cooperate. So I'll have to go into a lab sometime soon and have them draw the blood for her instead. Not a biggie.

My next appointment is in August... the 13th, I think. Time seems to be flying by... this is weird!


  1. Hi Laura -

    Congrats on your pregnancy and yay for the second trimester.

    I'm currently 17 weeks with baby #7.

    I wanted to tell you about a pregnancy link up that I host on my blog. It's a great way to connect with other pregnant women and offer encouragement, support and prayer for one another. Check it out if you are interested.



  2. Congratulations! I used the same picture on my post this week. We seem to be right at the same spot. I found you on the pregnancy link up at My Joy Filled Life.


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