Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Blog Addition

Notice any changes to the blog??

It's just a minor change.

But it's a major LIFE change. :]

This, friends, is the reason why I've been pretty absent lately. It's a good reason ;] Between being sick, tired, and chasing an almost 17 month old around... let's just say, I've been a little busy! But hopefully this pregnancy will be "normal" and I won't be sick the entire time, like I was with Ryan... and maybe I can get back into this blogging thing. 

The details: 

...I'm ~11 weeks pregnant
...I'm due mid-January 2013
...We heard the heartbeat last night at our first prenatal appointment!!
...We are planning a home birth, assisted by our midwife from New Birth Midwifery (blog: here)

...and we are obviously very excited ;]

Here is the video I posted to FB last night...

We are so thankful and so blessed... God, thank you for this precious gift!!


  1. Congrats! Praying for a healthy pregnancy, baby and birth!

  2. What a blessing! I'm sure Ryan will be a great big brother!

    I'm also hoping and praying your pregnancy will be easier. All my pregnancies were long because I was sick the entire time. So I understand your concern. God's will, right?



Hearing from you is one of my favorite things! Leave me some love :]