Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Absent... for too long!

It's been a very long time since I have posted here! We were without a computer for almost two months because Ryan pushed the laptop off of an end table and damaged the power cord and where it gets plugged in. Long story short, we didn't have a computer for quite a while... and since we have gotten it back, life has either been busy or I've just felt intimidated by the thought of how long it's been since I've posted ;)

Anyways, now that I got that out of the way... my plan is to stay more on top of this! There is a lot to update on, and I have a lot of ideas for some new posts; some related to parenting, some on what God has been teaching me lately and how He is working in me, and some new recipes and crafts. Stay tuned! :)

Some quick fluff... 

Ryan, 14.5 months

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