Thursday, February 2, 2012

{ embrace the camera : 2.2 }

Today I am embracing the camera with the love of my life :] Last week, he took time off from work and we got to spend A WHOLE WEEK together. It was wonderful! We went to the Wisconsin Dells... you can see all the pictures from that trip here. Ryan really enjoyed it, I think! I only took one picture of Jake and I the entire time, but oh well... it was a good one! I love my husband so much. In March we will have been married for 4 years... wow! I am SO blessed. Thank you, Jesus, for such a hardworking, loyal, selfless, considerate, helpful man!


  1. very sweet!I wish my hubby would take a week of to hang out with me! :)
    Visiting from Mama and her Boys

  2. What a lovely photo! A week off together sounds like the perfect stay-cation :)
    Happy Thursday!


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