Thursday, January 12, 2012

{ embrace the camera : 1.12 }

I need to get better at doing this. I don't know why, but Thursdays seem to be the busiest days of the week sometimes for me! And then I don't post because I know I won't have time to write on other's ETC posts, so I don't feel like I should post my own!  


One of my goals for 2012 has been to blog more, in general. As you can see... that hasn't been happening. Oops. 

I was hoping for a lot of great pictures during Christmas time, especially because it was going to be Ryan's first... but the little guy just so happened to be not feeling well for basically the entire week of Christmas. He didn't want to be more than 2" away from me all week. I liked the snuggles :] but I was sad that he didn't feel all that well. Teething plus a cold... no fun! 

So for today's ETC... this was Christmas Eve, and it was one of the many "Mama, hold me; I don't feel well!" moments that we had. 

I like it, even though he looks so sad, because snuggles are such an important thing :] You absolutely cannot snuggle too much. 


  1. My oldest was sick on his first Christmas too. But it was nice to get the snuggling time...

  2. That's funny because last week I posted on ETC, but never got around to commenting. This week I'm commenting, and NOT posting my own ETC. :) That's the life of a momma!

  3. That is the sweetest picture EVER!


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