Monday, December 12, 2011

[ 10 month photos ]

10 months already, he is (well, on the 3rd, he was. I'm not very good at posting on the day of!). Can you believe it? I can't. The last 10 months have been so precious, so cherished... and they have flown by! I am so thankful for him. So much growing has been done by this guy. He stands alone so often, and walks, unsteadily, while holding our hand... it will be a little while until he cruises on his own, but he is definitely far from immobile.

Here are his 10 month photos :] Went with a little Christmas theme this time, since it is December. He was far too intrigued by the shiny lights and ornaments to look at me or the camera much... but they are still pretty cute!

1 comment:

  1. Made my eyes leak again! He is so precious and cute!


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