Thursday, November 10, 2011

{ embrace the camera : 11.10 }

Cardboard boxes are so much fun, aren't they? Ryan had fun being pushed and pulled around in a diaper box the other day... of course we had to take a few pictures, because that's what good first time parents do, right? Take pictures of their first child's every moment? ;] In all seriousness though, I hope we take as many pictures of our next littles as much as we do of Ryan.

 {cat getting ready to attack ryan}

 {cat escaping. and yes, my 9 month old wears size 2 diapers. he's kind of a peanut.}

 {papa and ryan}

{"sooooooooo big!"}

Link up with Emily over at The Anderson Crew for ETC! Their adoption of Elsa was made official yesterday... yahoo!!


  1. cute! boxes make the best toys around here as well!

  2. We love boxes over at our house too!!!! SUch cute pics!!! Visiting from ETC!!!

  3. Such sweet pictures! Your little guy is adorable! (Visiting from ETC!)

  4. I've got my own set of babies in box photos. They are irresistible. You have a beautiful family!

  5. Precious!! We LOVE boxes in our house, too!!


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