Thursday, October 27, 2011

{ embrace the camera : 10.27 }

I can't believe it is already the end of October! My little guy is almost 9 months old... whoa! The past few months have been such a journey. I'm so blessed to be his mama. He is such a treasure! I pray that he will grow to be a young man who follows the Lord with all of his heart.

My sister was here while I was taking Ryan's 8 month pictures, and I asked her to snap a couple of Ryan and I together... they are now some of my favorite pictures of us!


Link up with Emily for ETC over at The Anderson Crew!


  1. Oh you can never have too many pics of a mumma and her baby. lovely shots I can see why you love them.

  2. Ryan is one good lookin kiddo! visiting from #embracethecamera

  3. 9 months... you've known him on the outside as long as he was on the inside. =)

    Cute pictures!

  4. I had a 9 month old boy almost exactly one year ago, too! (now he's almost 2), and your pictures bring back memories. He's so cute!

  5. So cute, love the brick wall background! And obsessed with your header pics, so cool!

  6. Adorable! Agree with Emily Kate, too. Great header pics!

  7. your a beautiful mom and your son is just precious :-) my son Judah is about to be 11 months :-)


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