Tuesday, August 9, 2011


We are moving! No, not the blog... like WE are moving! To our own house! We close on it tomorrow. I haven't said anything here until now... but now it is basically pretty much official. I'm so excited! Here are a few pictures of the outside of the house... I can't wait to make it into our home.


  1. I am sooooo excited for you guys!!!

  2. Hey, there! I have been reading your blog for a while now. I think we have mutual friends... from MN, Hope Church? Not totally sure! :) You know how it is, the chain of followers and hopping around and such!
    Anyway, I saw this picture on my dashboard and I thought, "What a cute house!" So, congrats to you as you become an official home owner! What a fun mile stone to enjoy w/ your sweet family!
    Blessings, Candace

  3. Congrats! House tour sometime? :)


  4. Congratulations! There is nothing quite like owning your own home!

  5. time for a new blog update!!! :D


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