Thursday, July 14, 2011

{ embrace the camera : 7.14 }

It's time to Embrace The Camera!! Here are a few pictures from last month that I just hadn't posted yet... reading/playing time with my little guy, Ryan. 

 [so intrigued by the book... wide eyed!]

["night time for little pookie"]

 [now he's intrigued by the camera... wide eyed again!]

 [a rhyming bible for toddlers... he loves the pictures!]

 [goofy grin and playing with his favorite ball]

[chewing on absolutely EVERYTHING! teething?]

[oh hi, mom...! brown eyed beauty... er, handsome]

Remember to link up with Emily!! It's her birthday tomorrow; leave her lots of love!


  1. Awww, reading time is the best! What a cutie!

  2. Oh, he is a doll! My little 6-monther chews on everything too! I love that your unreached people of the day is in Pakistan. That's where my husband is for the next year. This was a good reminder of the bigger picture!

  3. Love reading with my babies.. Great pictures he is a handsome little man.

  4. what a beautiful family! sidenote: i am so thankful for too. glad to have a resource to send confused teens and other moms-to-be.

  5. Love the pictures! He's a cutie!


Hearing from you is one of my favorite things! Leave me some love :]