Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Ryan decided last week that he doesn't like laying on the floor when I am "doing" things. He'd much rather be sitting up, around our level, and watching everything that is going on. So, I brought out the highchair... and he loves it! He can sit up pretty welll; with help, obviously... but the Bumbo seat doesn't hold him up too well because his butt is on the smaller side so he just slides around in it. The highchair works great! I had to laugh at myself because of all the straps that come with the highchair... I kept thinking that with my (hypothetical) next child(ren), I probably won't even think to strap them in... but it's just the over-cautious first-child syndrome. Ha. 

[ryan loves his lion from grandma.]

Ryan also "discovered" himself in the mirror recently. I had him sitting in the bathroom with me and, at first glance, he seemed to not really know what to think about the little person in the mirror... but he quickly warmed up to his new "friend."

In other news... we are still house hunting. It's a tiring process! But the Lord will lead us to the right house in His time... we are just trusting in that fact right now.

We've also been attending Grace Community Bible Church, a church plant that meets in Lakeville. Wow... what a Body. Such encouragement, such accountability... it's really awesome. The ladies recently held a shower for me and Ryan; it was such a blessing and I felt so loved and welcomed. We are going through the membership class and will have an interview before we are officially members.

I definitely don't miss the snow, but I'm not a fan of hot weather, either... I'd rather it be fall all year long! Our car does not have air conditioning, and from the beginning I've noticed that Ryan is definitely a sweat-er... those two things definitely do not mix, so we're hoping to be able to find a car. We need one that has A/C and is a little bigger, so the car seat can fit behind the passenger seat without it being moved up all the way and I can sit up in the front with Jake.

Hopefully I will be able to take some 3 month pictures soon... I can't believe he is 3 months old (and then some) already... time flies. *sniffle*


  1. No way! We have the same lion! And, FYI, we refer to ours as the "lion of Kenya" ;)


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