Thursday, April 21, 2011

{ embrace the camera : 4.21 ]

I found this neat link up through a friend who found it through another fellow blogger. I thought it would be fun to  try to do this regularly! Emily from andersonfamilycrew encourages us as moms/wives to make sure that we are in the photos with our kids, friends, surroundings and in our day to day life. It's pretty easy to snap a bunch of pictures of the little ones, but how often are the photographers IN the photograph? Like my friend said, I know that when my kid[s] look back on the photos, they won't care if I'm still in my PJ's or have greasy hair... they're just care that I was "there!"

So, every week, we are encouraged to post a picture. Or two. Or three. Making sure that we are also part of the photo.

I think I'm going to start off this new venture with a few [old] pictures of my favorite person... the husband. :]

 [wedding day: march 1st, 2oo8]

 [gettin' dirty; after a day of 4 wheeling in the U.P. of michigan]

 [snowmobiling with our rad helmets in south dakota]

 [on the lake in south dakota]

[family reunion at the dells in wisconsin]

*sigh* I love hims. :]


  1. awww that is so cute! :)
    I wish I had more pics of me & my hubby together! I'll have to remember to get them more often!
    Thank you for that reminder! :)

  2. I echo Heather. Especially ones of us interacting. I must make a note to get more taken. Thanks for the reminder. And those photos are adorable! (To get a link in your post, on your editing page, at the top in the tool bar, there should be some kind of icon that is a world and/or a chain link (I don't use blogger but most editing pages are similar). Highlight the text you want to make into a link, click on that icon. A window should pop up where you paste in the website address you want to link to. I hope that is correct with Blogger and helps you.

  3. Great point! It IS important to also be in the pic ;) Can't wait to see some of you and your lil one!

    I love the dells! I haven't been there since I was a kid, but I believe our next family reunion will be there! YAY Wisconsin! I'm from Cali tho :)

  4. Margie; on the toolbar, there is only a button for putting in an actual link... not just a clicky word. Maybe I have an older version of Blogger or something. Bah humbug. Thanks for trying to help, though; I appreciate it! :D I'll play around with it some more and see what I can figure out...

  5. Looks like such fun times!! LOVE your wedding one! Beautiful!

  6. Lovin the new blog Laura! Great post...I may steal it :o)

  7. Awww, I love seeing people in love!

  8. Hello Laura, thanks for visit my blog. About the linking thing, when you edit the post or write the blog use only a word like "here", select it and press the button with the chain and the earth. Appear a small window when you put the URL. i hope you could understand me. Happy Easter!!!!!

  9. you can write me for doubt. bye

  10. Great pictures.. I need to take more with my husband..very sad the lack of photos we have!

  11. I like this idea a lot. And I LOVE your new blog layout!! Tis beautious.

    And as CARU was saying... if you are writing "this blog has lots of neat pictures" for example and want to link to the blog you can highlight the words "this blog" and click the little icon that is either a chain link or a globe or a combo of the two and a little box pops up into which you'll paste the URL you want to link to. And then tis done. :)

  12. I need to take more pics with my husband too. Thanks for leaving me your sweet comment :)

  13. I run into this with my husband because he is a professional and HATES HATES HATES having his picture taken. I'm hoping having 2 darling girls in matching Easter dresses this weekend will sway him into letting me get a picture of just him and them.


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