Thursday, April 28, 2011

{ embrace the camera : 4.28 }

Today for ETC I'm going to post a few older pictures of me with my favorite little man, Ryan Joseph. He was born on February 3rd... he is three months old today! He is growing up way too quickly for my liking. He weighed 8lbs, 2oz and was 21 1/2 inches when he was born... now he weighs a little over 10lbs and is 24 1/2 inches. You can read his birth story here; a great, natural, drug free delivery! Anyway, his favorite activities include eating [ha!], snuggling with mama, rocking, taking baths, chewing on anything and everything, being worn in the Moby wrap, smiling and tummy time. I love him oh so very much!

 [ryan's birth day]

 [sleeping with mama]

 [during our 5 day stay at children's hospital for jaundice; 2am feeding and snuggle time... bad quality phone photo, but oh, how I treasured those 30 minutes every three hours I was allowed to hold him...]

 [going for a walk in the moby wrap]

 [dinner time!]

 [last bath in the sink... he outgrew it quickly!]


[easter sunday]

Okay, so maybe I went a little overboard with the photos... but I just can't help it. :] He is my little love!


  1. It does go by way too fast. Sweet photos of the first sweet months.

  2. you can never go overboard with pictures. he is precious! congrats.

  3. it goes by so quick. he is adorable

  4. Oh stop it! Newborn pics are too much! Absolutely love them. And time goes by way too fast, mine is already 9 months. EEEP.

  5. Sweet Sweet Sweet! Enjoy every moment!!! :)

  6. Great pictures. Love newborn faces!

  7. what a little sweetie pie! LOVE that moby wrap pic <3

  8. You are obviously loving and cherishing every moment of his life - as it should be! Adorable photos. Thanks for sharing your pictures last week - you inspired me to get some recent pictures with me and my husband of almost 14 years.


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