Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sewing Project: Baby Blanket

This is a baby blanket I made before Ryan was born, but was unable to show you because... well... it is quite gender specific. :] I had some leftover fabric, so I made a few burp rags... good thing, too, as they are the only ones we have!!

Materials used:

*3 flannel receiving blankets [from the thrift store]
*one of Jake's old sweaters [one of my favorites that he used to wear, but didn't fit him anymore]
*1 pillow case [from the thrift store]

 [folded in half]

 [see how I included the little eagle emblem from Jake's sweater? *grin*]

[burp cloths]

1 comment:

  1. Wow, so cute! Do you want to teach me to sew? :) Hope you guys are doing well! Ryan is and adorable little guy :)


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