Tuesday, March 1, 2011

In Celebration of the Last Three Years...

Today is our 3rd anniversary. I can't believe we have been married for three years! We have gone through in our marriage... so many good things, some hard things... challenging, growing experiences. It's so fun to look back and see where we've come from; what we've gone through, and how we have changed. I'm so thankful for Jake; he is such an awesome husband. And now, such an awesome father! I am so, so, so blessed. 

Three years ago, almost to the hour, we said "I do" and shared these vows with each other: 

"i promise...

...to hold you accountable in your walk with Christ.
...to seek the truth when tempted by lies.
...to stay present when I want to turn away.
...to choose compassion when anger feels easier.
...to embrace your needs and care about them like my own.
...to turn to you for comfort in all times.
...to love your family like my own.
...to nurture you with love, joy and passion.
...to be a partner in your life, and invite you to be a partner in mine,

until we lay in the arms of Christ."

And just for fun, here's some wedding pictures from the wonderful day!


1 comment:

  1. ok so this really got me thinking!all those years ago, and all those days we spent together!times sure have changed!remember building forts at your house?playing with my dollhouse at mine?how nervous you were on your first sleepover at my house and how oblivious I was to you being nervous?Such great memories. Now look at us! Who new? Well, I guess we both know the answer to that! ;)


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