Thursday, January 20, 2011


"Nesting is the term used to refer to an expectant mother’s instinct which gives her a surge of energy which prompts her to clean and do various chores around her home. Nesting usually arises as the mother nears her due date." 

I guess apparently I have been nesting. A lot. I've been ready "emotionally" for baby for a long time... the thought of labor and delivery doesn't scare me [yet], because I'm so excited to meet our little one. I'm trying to keep in mind [and I also have a very good encourager in my husband] that the pain that comes with labor has purpose. It just seems different when you don't fear the pain that is to come; fear just seems to make it worse. There's such a huge bonus at the end, too... a baby! 

So anyways, today, I had the ambitious urge to cook lots of things. And cook lots of things I did. I made beef enchiladas, chicken alfredo with peas and corn, and wild rice soup. They're all put into containers, labeled and ready to be frozen. I also baked chocolate chip cookies, muffins and dinner rolls... those will be frozen, too.

And then I made myself a raspberry smoothie and plopped down on the couch, where I plan to spend the rest of the afternoon. :] 

Other things I've been up to... 

[organizing baby clothes]

[making a place for baby to sleep]

[packing the hospital bag]

[gathering 'diapering necessities']

[preparing my 'mommy station...' many hours will be spent in this chair; rocking, feeding, reading, loving], I've been staying busy. So what's left? Just: 

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you guys!! I keep checking for baby updates :) Praying for you three!
    Zack and Ashleigh


Hearing from you is one of my favorite things! Leave me some love :]