Thursday, December 23, 2010

Appointment Update

Here's a quick post to update about my appointment... even though there really is "nothing" to update! The appointment went well. Baby is measuring absolutely fine [proof to anyone who is questioning my pregnancy!]; his/her heart rate was 144, and is still head down. Good job, baby! I gained just under 1 lb. I have another appointment in two weeks, and then I start going in once a week! It's starting to get really, really close... it's kind of crazy! I'm very excited to meet our baby, as is Jake. I'm feeling pretty good 'nerves wise...' not really so much nervous yet, and I think doing a lot of reading has helped that. I've been scouring the library for books on breastfeeding, water birthing, 'natural' birth, etc. So, things are going well!

I'd like to take a quick moment before I close, though, to ask for prayer for Charlotte Jessee. Charlotte, and her husband Bill, are very active in our church and are such a wonderful, wonderful couple. I've always looked up to them and respected them very much. Charlotte was recently diagnosed with lung cancer and is now at home with hospice care. I would really appreciate it if you would be on your knees before the Lord for Char, Bill and their families. If you'd like to read more specific updates, you can go to the website and type in "charlottejessee" to be taken to her page. Thank you so much.

[char and bill]

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