Thursday, April 29, 2010

Oh, to be a kitten...

I'm sure by now you've figured out that I have a kitten. Meet Cricket! Cricket likes to sleep. She likes to sleep upside down... legs straight up... mouth hanging open... and in the air. She's a really good cat... pooping and peeing in the appropriate place, sleeping most of the night... but, she's terrible when she sees us eating something. Once she sees us eating something, she HAS to have it, and it's definitely a chore to keep her away. Aaaand apparently she is a cat after my own heart because she loves coffee. Not that I intentionally give her some... but she finds ways to sneak it almost every day.

Our generator has been broken for the last couple of days, only working for 20 minutes here and 20 minutes there... so the laptop battery hasn't been fully charged and we've spent very little time online the last few days. Hence the infrequent updates... and updates full of kitten photos :] 

I'll have a more "real" update for you in the next couple of days. For now, I'm going to turn off the computer, blow out the candles, snuggle up next to my husband [and Cricket, of course] and fall deep into dreamland...


  1. OMG!!! Cricket is ADORABLE! Her markings are so pretty :). And I love all her blissful facial expressions while she sleeps :).

    Hollow wants to eat everything we have, too. Not coffee, though. She used to jump up on the coffee table (where we eat), grab something really quick and run away. Then if we tried to get it from her she would literally growl. lol

    I'm so glad you have a kitten! I love her :D. Eeeeee


Hearing from you is one of my favorite things! Leave me some love :]