Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy Anniversary... to us!

Today, Jake and I are celebrating two years of marriage. The past two years have brought us through many different challenges and changes... the most obvious is our location. I'm so thankful that we have each other to lean on! Leaving everything else behind is so much 'easier' when your best friend is right beside you, holding your hand. *sigh* I love him!

Here are a few photos... finally some of us!!

[me with my little baby rabbit friend... s/he belongs to the students, along with the others, that they are raising for meat... but I fell in love with this one and I want to keep it!!]

[sorry it's blurry; we couldn't get it to focus while it was on the timer... background sure looks nice, though!!]

 [do I need a caption for this photo? I don't think so...]

 [jake with simba, left, and mama dog, right]

 [check out those thunder clouds!]

[our romantic dinner *wink*]

Well, we're off to enjoy the carrot cake I made earlier... yum! Yay for two years... here's to many, many more!

our vows:

"i promise... hold you accountable in your walk with Christ. seek the truth when tempted by lies. stay present when I want to turn away. choose compassion when anger feels easier. embrace your needs and care about them like my own. turn to you for comfort in all times. love your family like my own. nurture you with love, joy and passion. be a partner in your life, and invite you to be a partner in mine,

until we lay in the arms of Christ."


  1. Beautiful vows! Did you write them yourselves?

  2. WNK: yeah, for the most part. I didn't really want the traditional vows, and I didn't want fluffy ones either. I read in a book about vows that were more 'relate-able' and understandable and kind of followed the lead they gave. :]

  3. One of my lovely daughters- still as beautiful as ever.
    My love toyou both.


Hearing from you is one of my favorite things! Leave me some love :]